Our Mission

"To enhance our members enjoyment of the sport of running"

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday Track Workout Dec 4, 2012

Tuesday Track Workout
Who would have thought that we would be have 65 degree temps at the begining of December!  This is one of those rare days and as we go deeper into December and January I am sure we won't many like this one.  So everyone should take advantage and join us tonight at 6:30 pm at the Wakefield High School Track, the address is 4901 South Chesterfield Road, Arlington, VA. 

The workout tonight will be 4 x 800, 4 x 400. There will be a 400 jog after the 8s, and a 200 jog after the 4s.

Along with the stellar weather we have been fortunate to have the stadium lights on the last 3 practices.  Hopefully the trend continues, lights and nice weather is truly a miracle this time of the year!
I will see you out there!
-the Prez

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