Our Mission

"To enhance our members enjoyment of the sport of running"

Sunday, November 16, 2014

NOVA 2015 Board Member Elections: Survey Open December 1-15, 2014

NOVA 2015 Board Member Elections: Survey Open December 1-15, 2014

NOVA Board Members at our quarterly meeting. So much fun (and pizza!)
NOVA Board Membership elections survey open December 1 until December 15, 2014.  SURVEY LINK: HEREDecember 15, 2014

Write-in candidates are also accepted at the time of voting (even if not pre-listed on the survey ballot).

All Board Member positions are currently up for election, including: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Coordinator, and four Board Member-at-Large positions. These roles are outlined below: 
  • President: The President is responsible for leading the organization and operations of weekly track practices, writing the weekly newsletter, supporting Coach Jerry in recruiting and responding to inquiries from interested members, leading social media efforts, serving as the general spokesperson of the club, coordinating NOVAspecial events, convening regularly scheduled Board meetings, and overseeing the work of the other officers/Board Members
  • Vice President: The Vice President is responsible for distribution of the weekly newsletter, assisting with regular club activities (track practice and tempo runs) and special events, assisting with social media efforts, and assuming the duties of the President in the event of resignation, absence, or incapacity of the President. The Vice President may also chair special committees as designated by the Board
  • Secretary: The Secretary is responsible for taking minutes at the quarterly NOVA Board meetings and supporting the President and VP with social media and communications efforts
  • Treasurer: The Treasurer is responsible for preparing the annual NOVA club budget and financial forecasting, managing the bank deposits, club payments and expense management, helping to develop fundraising plans, and making financial information available to Board members and the public upon request
  • Membership Coordinator: The Membership Coordinator is responsible for managing the NOVA membership roster and email distribution list; tracking the dates of membership renewals and expiration and informing members of their membership status, providing membership/contact information to the other board members as requested, responding to inquiries from interested members, and serving as backup to the President and Vice President in distributing the weekly newsletter as needed
  • Members-at-Large: Members-at-Large serve as the spokesperson or representative for the general membership of the club. The primary focus of this position is to provide insight on how policies, procedures, or activities of the Board affect general members and to raise concerns if the membership is impacted. Members-at-Large have a duty to serve on the Board and to support the Board in its decisions. They attend quarterly Board meetings and maintain voting powers
Please contact us with any questions!


Erin Masterson
President, NOVA Running Club

Justin Buenaflor
Vice President, NOVA Running Club

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